14th May 2025


2020 Posters
See  Poster PDFs here

Category A: Improving Primary and Secondary Care 

1. Serious Incident Investigation - Encouraging Just Culture and supporting openess and honesty
Ms Sarah Jeeves, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
2. But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for: Improving clinician access to key trust information via an app Dr Kit Tigwell, University Hospitals Bristol
3. A technological solution to safer handover of patients after the surgical on-callDr Savneet Lochnab, Royal United Hospitals Bath
4. Simulation as a tool to improve teamworking Dr Christopher Waters, Great Western Hospitals NHS Trust
5. High fidelity Simulation in Primary Care - Category winner! Dr David Bartle, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
6. Dr Toolbox – Informal information centre for junior doctors Dr Alex Chan, Northampton General Hospital
7. The Twilight Zone - a junior doctor led evening teaching programme Dr Bonita Matthew and Dr Tony Talhat, Northampton General Hospital
8. Improving the communication of ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) decisions
made in hospital with Primary Care Dr Rhiannon Nancarrow-Lei, North Bristol Trust
9. Sepsis Recognition in General Practice Dr Alex Gittens, Rosebank Health GP Practice & Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
10. HaemBase Cymru, an innovative, multi stakeholder partnership improving health outcomes for patients Dr Ceri Bygrave, University Hospital Wales, Cardiff & Vale Health Board
Category B: Improving care pathways 1
1. Assessing uptake of pregnancy tests in women of child bearing age on an acute surgical take Dr Elizabeth Sykes, Royal Derby Hospital 
2. Access to Daily Doctor Rota Dr George Bisheet and Dr Richard Nzewi, Kettering General Hospital NHS Trust
3. Orthopaedic post-operative elective proformaDr Varun Kakkar, Great Western Hospital
4. Improvement of Triage Performance in a Crowded Emergency Department -Category winner! Dr Mya Dilly, Great Western Hospitals NHS Trust 
5. Trauma Assessment & Treatment Unit: An Effective Treatment Strategy To Improve The Emergency Trauma Care Pathway Rikki Msindo, Gloucester Royal Hospitals
6. Improving orthopaedic admissions: the founding of a trauma assessment unit.Mr Oliver Brewster, Royal United Hospitals Bath 
7. Improving the accessibility of surgical doctors to the wider multi-disciplinary team: a project which introduces the concept of a dedicated team paging device Mr Gavin Reid, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol Trust
8. To COW or not to COW Dr Helen Kowitz Arroyo and Dr Dmitri Papaioannou
9. Using QI methodology to achieve sustained departmental changes in introducing VTE assessment in Trauma and Orthopaedics Dr Nathan Riddell, Cardiff and Vale UHB
C ategory C: Improving care pathways 2
1. Introducing the use of Asthma Control Test (ACT) and COPD Assessment Tool (CAT) to monitor patients' symptoms and disease control in the Respiratory Outpatients Clinic. Dr Eleanor Barton, North Bristol NHS Trust
2. Improving the speed and tolerability of ECGs in an acute psychiatric hospital Dr Kit Tigwell, University Hospitals Bristol
3. A technological solution to safer handover of patients after the surgical on-call Dr Thomas Wand, Poole Hopsital/ St Ann's Pyshciatric Hopsital
4. A change to a one-stop renal access service in Southmead hospital. A quality improvement project.Dr Alex Collingwood, North Bristol Trust 
5. A Quality Improvement Project (QIP) on Referral Letters in the Emergency Dermatology Clinic Dr Shreya Asher, University Hospitals Leicester
6. Improving coagulation sample ordering in the acute medical unit - - Category winner! Dr Rachael Biggart, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
7. Optometrist led Peripheral laser Iridotomy clinics. Mrs Jody Gerry, REI, Plymouth NHS Hospitals trust
8. Doing the small things well - introduction of a proforma for death verification Dr Sanadani Sivapalan, Northampton General Hospital
9. ICU Ward to multidisciplinary handover: nutrition Dr Hannah Schneiders, Yeovil Hospital
Category D: Patient handover
1. Increasing verbal SBAR handovers of F1 acute reviews Dr Yuanpei Zhang, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust 
2. Improving Safety in Junior Doctors' Handover: a Quality Improvement Project Dr Francesca O'Brien, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) 
3. Optimising Weekend Handovers: Utilising prompts to guide Junior Doctors to give safe and effective handovers. Dr Arif Sulieman and Dr Eleana Fearn , Poole Hospital 
4. "Are you Medical or Surgical?" Dr Alastair Smith and Dr Kate Stanton, Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust 
5. Efficiency and patient safety at weekend information finding - Quality improvement - Category winner!  Dr Conor Tuffs, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 
6. Improving Patient Safety through a Peer Created Handover for Changeover Document Dr Jonathan Goldney, University Hospital Leicester
7. Improve handover between AMU and the medical wards Dr Ayuub W Hersi Osman, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
8. 4.45pm Medical Handover made in hospital with Primary Care Dr Mark Jenkins, Northern Health and Social Care Trust
9. What the Bleep?! A Quality Improvement Project Dr Clio Lewis, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust. (project performed at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton)
Category E: The deteriorating patient
1. Promoting Subglottic Secretion Drainage in a District General Critical Care Unit Dr Nicholas Weston Smith, Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust 
2. The Cappuccini Test – improving supervision of anaesthetists in theatre Dr Max Lyon, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
3. Optimising the management of patients commenced on Non-Invasive Ventilation in the emergency department Dr Megan Williams, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport 
4. The Management of Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis: A Quality Improvement Project Dr George Slade and Dr Ausrine Zykaite, Weston General Hospital 
5. Lumbar Punctures in the busy Acute Medical Unit of Great Western Hospital (GWH) Dr Joanna Weeks, Great Western Hospital 
6. Improving documentation of liver resections under the HPB team at BNHH Dr Gabrielle Vernet and Dr Rebecca Williams, Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital 
7. Introduction of a care bundle to improve initial management of patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis - Category winner! Dr Rebecca Cliff, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust 
8. Maximum Surgical Blood Ordering Schedule – Making it Simpler Dr Claire Cushley, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Category F: The older patient
1. Skin Tear Project Oct 17 –Mar18 Shirley Joseph, NHS East Berskhire CCG 
2. Improving care for ageing patients: Timely delivery of paracetamol for pain and fever for older people (65+) at the Leicester Royal Infirmary (LRI) Dr Sagar Sharma and Dr Shalini Sharma, University Hospitals of Leicester 
3. Improving the hydration status in Elderly Care patients Dr Freya Doswell , Poole Hospital
4. Improving the use of the Abbey Pain Scale in assessing pain in individuals with dementia at the Great Western Hospital Dr Rute Castelhano, Great Western Hospital 
5. If hospital walls could talk - A survey exploring the best use of the wall space across elderly care hospital walls Dr Pramudi Wijayasiri, Nottingham University Hospitals Trust 
6. If hospital walls could talk - A survey exploring the best use of the wall space across elderly care hospital walls Dr Rachael Morris-Smith, Weston Area Health Trust 
7. Improving the Quality of Information on Discharge Summaries for Older Frail Patients Dr Eleanor Jones, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
8. Silver Trauma: Management on the Wards Dr John Flemming, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 
9. Bone health in stroke - Category winner!  Dr Katy Hayes and Dr Rebecca Jordan, Weston General Hospital
Category G: Medicines management / maternal care
1. Safer Prescribing in General Practice: A quality improvement project implementing the PINCER methodology Dr Phillip Sparks, Poole General Hospital 
2. Reducing insulin administration errors and hypoglycaemia in inpatients; using a self-administration of insulin protocol. Mr Leon Massey, Bath Royal United Hospital Foundation Trust 
3. Improving Gentamicin Prescribing at the RD&E Dr Charlotte Williams, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS trust
4. Improving discharge care for patients with acute asthma in the emergency department Dr Isabel Vielba, North Bristol NHS Trust - Southmead Hospital 
5. Reducing Inequality and Empowering Change: Helping Families with a Baby in Special Care Baby Unit to Stop Smoking Dr Rebecca Lissmann, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust 
6. Anaesthetic Drug cupboards - Using LEAN to improve patient safety Dr Peter Indoe, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 
7. Gotta Lose The Baby Wait - Category winner! Dr Segn Nedd, Newham Hospital, Bart's Health NHS Trust 
8. Thinking outside the hypo box Dr Gayatri Deshpande and Dr Megan Joyce, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust - Basingstoke 
9. Improving safety of lithium prescribing in older adults Dr Max Byrne and Dr Daniel Simpson, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust